
    Solving Safety Management Difficulties and Promoting Sustainable Development of Enterprises by SCORE

    • 摘要: 现阶段我国煤矿安全生产形势虽稳定好转,但仍存在重大事故时有发生、违法违规行为屡禁不止等问题,究其根本原因,是企业安全生产主体责任不落实或落实不到位,主要表现在认识不到位、责任不清晰、方法不科学、文化不落地等4个方面。为破解这一安全管理难题,运用企业可持续发展项目(SCORE)先进实用的理念、方法和工具,剖析企业安全生产主体责任不落实的问题、原因以及解决方案,以提升煤矿企业本质安全化水平,助推企业安全文化建设,促进企业可持续发展。


      Abstract: At present, although the situation of coal mine safety in our country is steadily improving, there are still some problems, such as the occurrence of major accidents and the repeated violations of laws and regulations. The fundamental reason is that the main responsibility of enterprise safety production is not carried out or implemented in place. The main performance is that the understanding is not in place, the responsibility is not clear, the method is not scientific, and the culture is not falling to the ground. To solve these problems of safety management, this paper uses the advanced and practical ideas, methods and tools of sustaining competitive and responsible enterprises (SCORE) to analyze the problem that the main responsibility of enterprise safety production is not carried out. The causes and solutions can promote the safety level of coal mining enterprises, promote the construction of safety culture, and promote the sustainable development of enterprises.


