
    Calculation of Residual Water Inflow From Water Inrush Point of Coalmine Based on Steady Flow Pumping Test

    • 摘要: 以洛阳龙门煤矿巷道底板突水注浆截流效果评价为研究对象,设计并开展了3个落程的主井稳定流排水试验,1次水位恢复试验。分析了矿井积水水位变化特征,确定了矿井残余水量计算Q-S抛物线模型、矿井井巷空间寒灰水补给特征,利用Q-S抛物线模型、井巷储水体积法分别计算了不同淹没标高突水点残余补给水量,结果指示Q-S抛物线模型计算精度更高。


      Abstract: The event of evaluation on the effect of grouting to cut-off of water inrush from the coal seam floor in Longmen Coal Mine was selected, and we designed and carried out three steady flow pumping tests and one water level recovery test in the main well. Then, the characteristics of mine water level change are analyzed, and the parabolic model between water flux and water level is established for calculating the residual mine water flow. The residual water supply from the Cambrian limestone aquifer of different inundated elevation is calculated by using the Q-S model and the method of water storage in mine space respectively, results calculated by using the Q-S model are closer to the actual value.


