Failure Characteristics and Support Parameters Optimization of Mining Roadway in Bulianta Mine
摘要: 补连塔煤矿回采巷道在采动阶段,由于受多次采动影响,巷道存在片帮问题,影响了煤矿的正常生产。为了控制巷道围岩变形,节约支护成本,在补连塔煤矿回采巷道中进行了钻孔窥视、松动圈测试等一系列现场试验及数值模拟分析,对回采巷道不同采动影响时围岩主应力大小及其方向分布规律及围岩破坏特征进行了研究,优化了支护参数。经工程实践,优化后的支护参数有效控制了巷道围岩变形,节约了支护成本,提高了掘进效率。Abstract: During the mining stage of the roadway in Bulianta Coal Mine, due to the influence of many times of mining, the roadway has the problem of wall spalling which affects the normal production of the coal mine. In order to control the deformation of surrounding rock roadway and save support cost, a series of field tests and numerical simulation analysis were carried out in the mining roadway of Bulianta Coal Mine, such as borehole peeping, loosening zone testing, etc. The magnitude and direction distribution of main stress of surrounding rock under the influence of different mining action and the failure characteristics of surrounding rock were studied. The supporting parameters are changed. The engineering practice shows that the optimized support parameters can effectively control the deformation of surrounding rock, save the support cost and improve the tunneling efficiency.