
    Prevention and Control Technology of Rock Burst During Excavation Process of Gob-side Roadway with Hard Roof

    • 摘要: 针对徐庄煤矿坚硬顶板条件下邻空侧巷道掘进期间强矿震频发现象,采用理论分析和微震监测方法确定了强矿震事件发生的时间及空间位置,并得出坚硬顶板、采掘扰动、断层构造、煤层厚度变化等因素是巷道掘进期间冲击致灾来源。结合巷道掘进期间地质和开采技术条件,提出针对性的顶板爆破、钻孔卸压及降低掘进速度的冲击地压治理措施,微震监测结果显示:这些措施有效降低了掘进巷道大能量震动的产生,并且巷道矿压显现次数及冲击破坏情况显著降低,保障了巷道的安全掘进。现场实践证明,该综合防治措施对于坚硬顶板条件下巷道掘进期间冲击地压的防治效果明显。


      Abstract: Aiming at strong mining earthquakes during excavation process of the gob-side roadway with hard roof in Xuzhuang Coal Mine, by the theoretical analysis and seismicity monitoring, the time and spatial location of the strong mining earthquakes were determined, and hard roof, excavation disturbance, fault structures and the coal-seam variation are the sources of disasters caused by impact during roadway excavation. According to the geological and mining technology conditions, comprehensive prevention measures of roof blasting, drilling relief and reducing excavation speed are proposed, the seismicity monitoring results showed that these measures effectively reduced the frequency of strong mining earthquakes. And the impact failure degree is reduced to guarantee the safety of roadway. The practical application proves that the comprehensive prevention measures can effectively prevent the rock burst during excavation process of the roadway with hard roof.


