
    Roadway Passing Through Fault Fracture Zone Support Technology

    • 摘要: 针对巷道掘进过断层破碎带时,巷道支护困难、施工危险的问题,通过分析现有支护技术存在的问题,结合现场实践和经验,提出了合理的巷道过断层破碎带支护技术,并在山西阳煤集团二矿进行了成功应用,累计安全通过断层10余个,取得了较好的经济和社会效益。


      Abstract: Aiming at the problems that it was hard to support and dangerous to construct in the roadway when tunneling through the fault fracture zone,this paper came up with a rational support technology on the above challenge through the analysis of existing support technology problems and combined with field practice and experience,which was applied to the second mine in Shanxi Yangquan coal and industry group successfully,more than ten faults had been passed safely until now and achieved good economic and social benefits.


