
    Difference of Habitual Violation Behavior of Miners with Different Education Degree and Seniority

    • 摘要: 矿工习惯性违章(HVB)是导致煤矿事故的主要原因之一,不同矿工其HVB发生频率具有差异,拥有不同文化程度和工龄的矿工其HVB发生频率亦具有差异。故将矿工文化程度和工龄划分为不同水平,运用问卷调查、方差分析等方法,研究不同水平和组合单元间矿工HVB发生频率的差异,进而确定不同文化程度和工龄矿工HVB发生频率的排序,以达到有针对性地预防矿工HVB的目的。研究结果表明:不同文化程度矿工HVB发生频率由大到小依次为:初中及以下>高中-大专和本科及以上,不同工龄矿工HVB发生频率由大到小依次为:10年以上>6~10年和5年及以下;在初中及以下文化程度水平上,不同工龄水平矿工HVB发生频率由大到小依次为:5年及以下>6~10年>10年以上;在高中-大专或本科及以上文化程度水平上,不同工龄水平矿工HVB发生频率由大到小依次为:10年以上>6~10年>5年及以下。


      Abstract: Miners’ habitual violation behavior (HVB) is one of the main causes of coal mine accidents. Different miners have different frequencies of HVB, and the occurrence frequency of HVB of miners with different cultural degree and seniority is also different. In order to achieve the aim of preventing the miners’ HVB, the cultural degree and seniority were divided into different levels. The questionnaire, variance analysis and other methods were used to study the differences of miners’ HVB between different levels and units, and then the rankings of occurrence frequency of HVB of miners with different cultural degree and seniority were determined. The study results show that the occurrence frequency of HVB of the miners with different cultural degree in descending order is as follows: “junior middle school and below”, “high school to junior college” and “bachelor degree and above”, with different seniority in descending order is as follows: “more than 10 years”, “6 years to 10 years” and “5 years and less”. Among the miners who have “junior middle school and below” cultural degree, the occurrence frequency of HVB of the miners with different seniority in descending order is as follows: “5 years and less”, “6 years to 10 years” and “more than 10 years”. Among the miners who have “high school to junior college” or “bachelor degree and above” cultural degree, the occurrence frequency of HVB of the miners with different seniority in descending order is as follows: “more than 10 years”, “6 years to 10 years” and “5 years and less”.


