
    Shaft Blasting Vibration and CO2 Fracturing Vibration Signals by Wavelet Packet Analysis

    • 摘要: 为了达到认识CO2致裂振动的危害并提出危害控制方法的目的,将CO2致裂振动与爆破振动信号从能量分布特征的角度来进行研究。结合某地铁竖井工程,获取竖井指定点的振动信号,采用db6小波基对振动信号进行小波包分析,结果表明:在多数工况下,CO2致裂的质点峰值振速仅为炸药爆破的10%;爆破振动信号能量随时间的变化表现出高频部分衰减快、低频部分衰减慢的特征;爆破振动能量分布范围广泛,而CO2致裂振动能量频带较为集中,中心频率约为120 Hz,三矢量方向振动能量大小关系具体表位为:z方向>y方向>x方向。


      Abstract: In order to understand the hazards of CO2 fracturing vibration and propose the purpose of the hazard control method, the CO2 fracturing vibration and blasting vibration signals are studied from the perspective of energy distribution characteristics. In combination with a subway shaft project, vibration signals at specified points in the shaft were obtained, and wavelet packets were used to analyze the vibration signals using db6 wavelet basis. The results showed that the peak particle velocity of CO2 fracturing was only 10% of the explosive blasting under most conditions. The change of blasting vibration signal energy shows the characteristics of fast decay at high frequency and slow decay at low frequency over time; blasting vibration energy has a wide range of distribution, and the frequency band of CO2 fracturing vibration energy is more concentrated, the center frequency is about 120 Hz, and the relationship between the vibration energy of the three vector directions is shown as follows: z direction>y direction>x direction.


