
    Effect of Self-efficacy on Safety Behavior and Regulating Effect of Perceived Supervisor Support

    • 摘要: 为提高矿工的安全行为水平,减少煤矿事故的发生,基于社会交换理论,探讨自我效能感对矿工安全行为的影响,以及上司支持感在二者之间的调节作用。依据149份来自山西某地方煤矿一线员工的有效问卷,运用层次回归方法进行实证研究,结果表明:自我效能感对员工安全服从行为与安全参与行为存在显著正向影响;并且上司支持感在自我效能感对安全行为的关系中起到了正向的调节作用。


      Abstract: In order to improve the safety behavior of miners and reduce the occurrence of coal mine accidents, this paper aims to explore the influence of self-efficacy on the miners’ unsafe behavior, as well as to examine the moderating effects of perceived supervisor support based on social cognitive theory and social exchange theory. Through 149 valid questionnaires from a local coal mine in Shanxi Province and by the hierarchical regression method, it is found that self-efficacy has a significant positive impact on the safety compliance behavior and safety participation behavior and perceived supervisor support positively moderates the relationship between self-efficacy and safety behavior.


