
    Study on Damage Range of Overlying Coal Seam Floor in Goaf Based on Electromagnetic Prospecting Technology

    • 摘要: 采空区上覆煤层的安全开采关键在于层间岩层稳定性和上部煤层底板的宏观整体性。为了探明上覆煤层底板的实际情况,从研究煤层的赋存状况和实际勘察资料出发,利用矿井瞬变电磁波探测技术探测1#煤层1-101综采工作面底板破坏范围,确定了煤层底板下采空区、断裂带、富水区等分布范围。结果表明:在工作面走向300 m范围内,存在2处相对高阻异常区,推断其为断层构造导致的破碎带所致,富水性较差,探测范围内无采空区分布;4处相对低阻异常区,为小煤窑破坏或者穿过区域。


      Abstract: The key to safe mining of overlying coal seam in goaf is the stability of interlayer rock and the macroscopic integrity of overlying coal seam floor. In order to ascertain the actual situation of the overlying coal seam floor, starting from the study of coal seam occurrence condition and actual survey data, we use mine transient electromagnetic wave detection technology to detect the floor damage range of 1-101 fully mechanized coal mining face in 1# coal seam, and the goaf, fissure zone and abundance water area and other distribution range under the coal seam floor are determined. The results show that there are two relatively high resistivity anomalies in the range of 300 m, and it is inferred that the fault zone caused by fault structure is poor in water abundance area and there is no goaf distribution in the detection area; there are also 4 relatively low resistivity abnormal areas due to the small coal mines destroy or passing through areas.


