
    Optimization on Roadway Tunneling Scheme by Driving and Bolting Machine in Bulianta Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 针对补连塔煤矿掘锚机巷道掘进功效现状,从生产接续调整、掘进工序、生产系统、劳动组织等方面进行优化分析;在定员不增加,总作业时间减少的前提下,通过增加配套掘进系统,将作业模式由“三八”制调整为“二八”制,充分优化了作业人员配置,切实做到了掘进进尺的提升,进而实现掘锚机掘进潜能的最大化。


      Abstract: For the current status of roadway tunneling effect by driving and bolting machine in Bulianta Coal Mine, the optimization analysis is carried out from the aspects of production succession adjustment, tunneling process, production system and labor organization; on the premise that the number is not increased and the total operation time is reduced, by adding the mating tunneling system, the operation mode is adjusted from “three-eight” system to the “two-eight” system. This paper fully optimizes the configuration of the operators, and effectively achieves the improvement of the driving footage, and then maximizes the tunneling potential of the driving and bolting machine.


