
    Fine 3D Seismic Prospecting Technology and Its Application in Cuncaota Mine

    • 摘要: 为解决寸草塔煤矿地表地震地质条件复杂,低、降速层变化较大,黄土层及砾石层对地震波的吸收和衰减作用强烈,造成该区地震原始资料信噪比低、分辨率低,地震解释成果精度低的问题,通过合理布设地震观测系统,原始资料精细处理,包括综合应用道振幅补偿、折射波静校正、组合反褶积、噪音衰减及叠前时间偏移等技术,在保证资料信噪比的前提下,极大的提高了资料的品质,地震解释断层及冲刷带经地面钻探及井下采掘揭露验证准确率达80%以上。在此实践的基础上,总结提出了适合本地区精细三维地震勘探的技术方法。


      Abstract: In order to solve the problems of low signal-to-noise ratio and low resolution of seismic raw data and low accuracy of seismic interpretation in Cuncaota Mine due to the complex ground seismic geological conditions, the great change of low-velocity layer and the serious absorption and attenuation of seismic waves by loess and gravel layers, the problems could be solved by rational arrangement of seismic observation system and fine processing of raw data, such as comprehensive application of channel amplitude compensation, refraction static correction, combined de-convolution, noise attenuation, pre-stack time migration, and so on. The quality of the data is greatly improved on the premise of ensuring the signal-to-noise ratio of the data, the drilling and underground mining show the accuracy of seismic interpretation on faults and scouring zone is more than 80%. The fine 3D seismic prospecting technology for this area is proposed on the basic of application.


