
    Influence of Illumination on Human Visual Identification in Fully-mechanized Working Face

    • 摘要: 为深入了解综采工作面的照度对人的视觉识别性影响,以采煤机操作平台上的各类显示器作为刺激材料来设计试验;利用眼动追踪系统,通过EyeLinkⅡ型高速眼动仪分别采集并分析不同的照度条件下被试验者对刺激材料的眼动数据;并结合视觉感知系统,得出照度为工作面中的局部照明照度保持在70 lx以上,有利于提高工人视觉辨识力、及时发现和识别周围环境中的不安全因素,从而消除安全隐患避免安全生产事故的发生。


      Abstract: To study the influence of illumination on human visual identification in fully-mechanized working face, various types of displays on the shearer operation platform were used as test materials to design the experiment. Through the eye tracking system, the eye movement data of the experimenter on the stimulus material was collected and analyzed under different illumination conditions by EyeLinkⅡhigh-speed eye tracker. Combined with the visual perception system, it was obtained that the illumination of local lighting in working face should be above 70 lx, which was conducive to improve the visual identification of workers, discover and identify unsafe factors in the surrounding environment, thus it could eliminate safety risks, avoid the occurrence of accidents in safety production.


