
    Determination of Oil-gas Explosion Limit in Coal Oil Gas Symbiosis Mine

    • 摘要: 为测定油型气的爆炸极限,运用爆炸极限理论计算模型对黄陵二号煤矿巷道油性气气样进行了详细分析。结果表明:油型气中所含的C2H6和C3H8是对CH4爆炸极限产生影响的主要参数;随着C2H6和C3H8加入量由0~2%的递进增加,CH4爆炸危险度显著升高。其中:C2H6导致爆炸危险度由初始的2.0增加到9.12,增加了3.56倍;C3H8导致爆炸危险度由初始的1.98增加到7.17,增加了2.62倍。


      Abstract: In order to determine the explosion limit of oil-type gas, the oil-type gas samples of Huangling No.2 Coal Mine are analyzed in detail by using the explosion limit theory. The results show that the C2H6 and C3H8 contained in the oil type gas are the main parameters affecting the CH4 explosion limit. As the addition of C2H6 and C3H8 increased from 0% to 2%, the CH4 explosion risk increased significantly; C2H6 caused the explosion risk increased from the initial 2.0 to 9.12, an increase of 3.56 times; C3H8 caused the explosion risk increased from the initial 1.98 to 7.17, an increase of 2.62 times.


