
    Preparation and Application of New Sealing Material for Blasting

    • 摘要: 针对目前煤矿井下爆破封孔材料凝结时间长,流动性差、早期强度低等不足,基于普通硅酸盐水泥与常用外加剂进行复配,通过全面试验的方法筛选和分析最优组分,并进行力学性能测试和现场试验。结果表明,当NaAlO2为2.5%,CaCl2为1.5%,TEA为0.03%,减水剂为0.5%时,水泥复合材料初凝时间为33 min,终凝时间为62 min,2 h静态抗压强度达到0.81 MPa,动态抗压强度达3.12 MPa;同时复合水泥封孔材料具有更好的封孔质量和爆破封孔适应性,将封孔材料凝结时间由普通水泥浆液的10 h缩短至2 h,且爆破后瓦斯抽采纯量相比普通水泥封孔提高了8.6%,提高了爆破作业进度和生产效率。


      Abstract: For the weaknesses of long coagulation time, poor liquidity, low early strength of current sealing material used in coal mine blasting, based on Portland cement and common admixture, the optimal components were screened and analyzed by comprehensive test, and the mechanical property test and field test were carried out. The conclusion indicates that: when the mass ratio of NaAlO2 is 2.5%, CaCl2 is 1.5%, TEA is 0.03%, water reducer is 0.5%, the initial setting time of the compounded material extends to 33 min, the final setting time extends to 62 min, the 2 h static compress strength reaches to 0.81 MPa, and dynamic compress strength reaches to 3.12 MPa. Meanwhile, compared with common cement, the compounded cement sealing material has a better sealing performance and adaptability, the setting time is reduced from 10 h to 2 h, and the purity of the extracted gas is improved by 8.6%, the blasting progress and productivity is greatly strengthened.


