
    Research on Visual Evaluation of Coal Safety Management

    • 摘要: 为了提高煤炭企业管理人员对管理信息系统中所展示的安全生产问题的认知效率和认知准确度,通过研究管理信息系统中安全生产信息展示方式的效果问题,将可视化内容分为安全生产现场的实时信息和统计汇总信息,分别选取了当前比较有代表性的几种可视化方式,即矢量漫画、摄影照片、监控、虚拟现实、折线图、散点图、直方图和雷达图。并运用眼动实验捕捉每种可视化方式的眼动指标,通过因子分析筛选合并,最终构建出3个评价指标,即眼动数目、总眼跳距离和平均注视时间。采用TOPSIS法综合评价可视化方式效果。结果表明,针对现场的实时信息,摄影照片和监控的展示效果显著优于其他展示方式;针对统计汇总信息,折线图的展示效果显著优于其他3种展示方式。


      Abstract: In order to improve the cognitive efficiency and cognitive accuracy of safety management problems in the management information system of coal enterprise managers, this paper focuses on the effect of the display mode of safety production information in management information system. In this paper, the visualization content is divided into real-time information and statistical summary information of safety production sites; we select several representative visual methods respectively, such as vector cartoon, photograph, monitor, virtual reality, line chart, scatter plot, histogram and radar map. Using eye movement experiments to capture eye movement indicators for each visual mode, through the factor analysis filtering and merging, we finally build three evaluation indicators:eye movements numbers (EMN), saccade distance total (SDT), average fixation time. Finally, the TOPSIS method is used to evaluate the visualization method. The results show that based on the real-time information, photos and monitoring display are significantly better than other display methods. For the summary information, the display effect of the line graph is significantly better than that of the other three display methods.


