
    Rock Burst Hazard Prediction Based on a New TOPSIS Model

    • 摘要: 基于组合赋权法和灰色关联法的基础上,提出了一种新型TOPSIS评价模型,对冲击地压强度进行了评价。影响冲击地压强度的岩石单轴抗压强度σ、抗拉强度σ、最大切应力σθ以及弹性能量指数等因素均在该模型中得到体现,并以σθ/σcσc/σtet作为评价指标。在组合赋权法的基础上,利用三角模糊函数和熵值法得到主观权重和客观权重,并将其对应地分配给这些指标,然后采用相关的函数来表征样本和正、负理想点之间的相关性,不同冲击地压强度的正理想点相关系数可以计算得出。依据相关系数最大值对冲击地压进行预测,冲击地压预测结果与现场实际情况吻合性较好。


      Abstract: Based on the combination weighting method and grey correlation method, a new TOPSIS evaluation model is proposed, and the compressive strength of rock burst was evaluated. The influence factors affecting rock burst, including uniaxial compressive strength of rock burst strength σc, tensile strength σt, the maximum shear stress σθ and elastic energy index et and other factors were reflected in the model, and the σθ /σc, σc /σt and et were taken as the evaluation indexes. Based on combination weighting method, we use triangular fuzzy function and entropy method to obtain the subjective and objective weights, and distribute them to these indicators, and then use related functions to characterize the correlation between samples and positive and negative ideal points, the ideal points are different rock burst intensity correlation coefficient can be calculated. The relative coefficients of the positive ideal points for different compressive strength of rock burst can be calculated. According to the maximum correlation coefficient, the prediction result of rock burst is in good agreement with the actual situation in the field.


