
    Methods of Non-equidistant Holes Arrangement and Effect Evaluation in Gas Drainage from Coal Seam

    • 摘要: 为了研究非等间距布孔及抽采效果的评价方法,以钻孔抽采半径时效特性为基础,提出了非等间距布孔原则和方法。基于概率论与数理统计中“3σ”准则,提出了依据瓦斯含量、抽采时间和钻孔间距划分评价单元的“3σ”阈值,并在寺河煤矿X1301工作面进行了应用。该方法的建立,为非等间距布孔及抽采效果评价建立了1种可操作性的方法。


      Abstract: In order to study the methods of non-equidistant holes arrangement and drainage effect evaluation, a set of principles and methods of non-equidistant holes arrangement were suggested based on aging characteristics of borehole drainage radius. On the basis of the “3σ” criterion in probability theory and mathematical statistics, a “3σ” threshold value used in division evaluation unit was proposed considering the borehole spacing, drainage time and methane content in coal bed. Finally, the methods were used to the X1301 working face of Sihe Coal Mine. The establishment of this method provides an operable method for drainage effect evaluation and non-equidistant holes arrangement.


