
    Characteristics of Strata Behavior of Shot Firing and Roof-coal with Large Inclined Angle

    • 摘要: 通过对郑煤集团芦沟煤矿首个大倾角炮采放顶煤工作面进行矿压观测和数值模拟,分析得出大倾角炮采放顶煤工作面在开采过程中支架阻力为降阻状态分布,倾向支承压力两端高、中间低呈"马鞍形",且区段轨道平巷支承压力峰值明显高于区段回风平巷,维护困难。


      Abstract: By strata control observation and numerical simulation in the first shot firing and roof-coal working face with large inclined angle in Lugou coal mine of Zhengzhou coal industry Co.,Ltd.,it has been obtained that the supports resistance distributed in resistance-diminishing status during the mining process in shot firing and roof-coal working face with large inclined angle,the supporting pressure along the incline showed " saddle shape",and the peak of the supporting pressure of head entry is higher than air tail entry’s.Therefore it’s difficult for roadway to maintain.


