
    Division of “Three-Zones” in Goaf with High Gas Content Under Nitrogen Jnjection

    • 摘要: 针对高瓦斯采空区“三带”的方法并未将氮气、瓦斯对氧体积分数的扰动考虑在内的问题,提出了氮气、瓦斯扰动系数。利用类比方法,定义了氧体积分数氧化损耗值这一概念,得出在氮气、瓦斯双重影响下,使得氧化带向采空区深部移动,氧化带宽度减小。并用矫正后的划分方法和基于温度的划分方法同时对N3042工作面进行采空区“三带”划分,结果吻合度较好。


      Abstract: For the problem that the method of “three zones” in high-gas goaf has not taken into account the disturbance of nitrogen gas and gas volume fraction, and nitrogen and gas disturbance coefficient is proposed. Using the method of analogy, we define the concept of oxidation loss value of oxygen volume fraction and obtain that the oxidation zone moves to deep goaf under the double impact of nitrogen and gas, and the oxidation zone width decreases. The three zones of N3042 working face are divided by the correction method based on temperature, the results are in good agreement.


