
    Outburst Elimination Engineering Practice of Machinery Tunnel Passing by Coal Pillar Influenced Areas

    • 摘要: 保护层开采条件下,为了消除被保护层煤柱影响区(未保护区)内掘进作业的突出危险性,缩短回采工作面准备时间,降低工作面回采至未保护区的瓦斯突出隐患,通过对现行突出煤层掘进技术的分析比较,提出了绕道瓦斯抽放和超前排放钻孔相结合的一种全新掘进消突综合技术措施。并在平顶山天安煤业集团四矿丁5.6-19150机巷进行了工程实践,结果表明:机巷通过绕道避开未保护区,基本实现与保护区内风巷的同步推进;并且利用机巷绕道对未保护区进行顺层瓦斯抽放,实现巷道掘进和瓦斯治理的并行作业,已完成机巷安全贯穿,采面准备时间缩短6~7个月。


      Abstract: Under the conditions of protection layer mining,in order to eliminate the outburst dangerous of coal pillar affected zone in protected coal seam(unprotected areas) during tunnel driving working,shorten the mining face preparation time,reduce gas outburst hidden dangers from mining face to unprotected areas,through comparison and analysis of current tunneling technologies in outburst seam,the paper puts forward a new tunneling elimination outburst technical measure which combined gas drainage by detour and advance discharging boreholes.The engineering practice in Ding5.6-19150 machinery tunnel of Pingdingshan Tian’an coal industry group No.4 mine shows that the machinery tunnel avoids unprotected area by detour basically realizes synchronized advancement with the airway in protected area.By using machinery tunnel detour to drainage bedding gas in unprotected area,the parallel work of the tunneling and gas control is realized.At present,machinery tunnel safely throughout has been already realized,which greatly shortens 6 ~7 month for working.


