
    Experimental Study on Imbibition Effect of Joining Water to Coal Containing Gas

    • 摘要: 针对目前实验室研究含瓦斯煤渗吸效应的缺陷,搭建等压实验平台,在实验系统压力恒定条件下,对不同水分自然流入含瓦斯煤后的渗吸效应进行测试,并与非恒压条件下含瓦斯煤渗吸效应进行对比。结果表明:随着含水率的增加,渗吸量逐渐增大到稳定的数值,但渗吸量的增加幅度逐渐变小;渗吸速度包括快速增加、缓慢持久、衰减至0 3个阶段;等压条件下比非等压条件下的渗吸量和渗吸率高。


      Abstract: Aiming at the shortcomings of the present laboratory research on imbibition effect of coal containing gas, the experimental platform was set up under the condition of constant pressure. Under constant pressure of the experimental system, imbibition effect of coal containing gas with natural water flow was tested compared with the non constant pressure. Results show that with the increase of moisture content, the amount of imbibition gradually increases to a stable value, but the amplitude of variation becomes smaller; the speed of imbibition is divided into three stages, including rapid increase, slow persistence, and decay to zero; the amount and rate of imbibition under the condition of constant pressure are higher than that under non constant pressure.


