
    Comparative Analysis of Three Kinds of Prediction Method of Gas Loss Amount During Determing Coal Seam Gas Content Process By Desorption Method

    • 摘要: 基于井下解吸法直接测定煤层瓦斯含量过程中瓦斯损失量的重要性,采取全钻粉煤样在实验室不同压力条件下测定其解吸规律,然后运用3种损失量计算方法对瓦斯损失量计算结果进行分析比较,结果表明:t1/2法更加符合钻屑初始阶段瓦斯解吸规律,采用该方法计算煤样瓦斯损失量误差较小。


      Abstract: Based on the importance of gas loss amount during directly determing coal seam gas content process by desorption method,the desorption laws of full drillings coal samples under the different pressure conditions of the laboratory were measured,and then three kinds of gas loss amount methods were used to analyze and compare the conclusion of gas loss amount.The results showed that t1/2 method was more in line with the gas desorption law in the initial stage of drill cuttings,and it had a little error to calculate the gas loss amount.


