
    Fire Preventing and Extinguishing Technology in Fully Mechanized Caving Face of Extra-thick Coal Seam

    • 摘要: 新疆乌东煤矿+5754501工作面上部存在小窑开采历史、上覆老空区自然发火,及地表顶板解压期间裸露煤层自燃出现明火区域的问题,针对+5754501工作面存在的特殊开采条件,利用均压通风、超前注氮、架后埋管注氮等综合防灭火技术措施,有效地防止小窑开采区域、上覆老空区和本采空区遗煤自然发火及原地表明火区域复燃,确保了+5754501工作面安全回采。


      Abstract: Xinjiang Wudong Coal Mine +5754501 working face has the problems of a small kiln mining history, spontaneous combustion in overlying old area, and the open fire area in exposed coal seam during the pressure relief of surface roof. For the special mining conditions existing in +5754501 working face, the comprehensive fire preventing and extinguishing technology measures such as pressure equalization ventilation, advanced nitrogen injection and nitrogen injection, and effectively prevent the spontaneous combustion and re-ignition in open fire areas in mining areas of the small kiln, overlying old empty area, goaf and the original surface.


