
    Study on Intensified Permeability Improving Technology by Hydraulic Fracturing in Deep and Low Permeability Coal Seam

    • 摘要: 利用数值模拟计算与现场工程技术试验相结合的方法,系统的研究了在底板抽采巷实施水力压裂技术对煤层的强化增透效应与效果;研究获得了水力压裂过程中裂隙发育规律、应力重新分布规律以及渗透系数变化规律,分析获得了增透范围,并利用现场工程技术试验的方法进行了验证。将数值模拟效果应用于工程实践,实现了煤层瓦斯的高效抽采,在压裂后的1个月里,压裂区瓦斯抽采纯量达到未压裂区的3.6倍,抽采达标时间与未压裂区相比缩短了近40%,实现了煤层的长时间增透和瓦斯高效抽采。


      Abstract: In this paper, the combination of numerical simulation and field engineering test is used to systematically study the effect of hydraulic fracturing technology on bottom drainage roadway in the coal seam. In the process of hydraulic fracturing, the law of fracture development, the redistribution of stress and the change of permeability coefficient are obtained, the range of permeability improving in coal seam is obtained, and engineering tests are used to verify the results of numerical simulation. The numerical simulation results are applied in engineering practice, high efficiency extraction of coal seam gas is realized. In the first month after fracturing, the average gas drainage of the single hole is more than 3.6 times of the non-fracturing zone, the pumping time is shortened by more than 40%, all these realize the long time permeability improving and the gas efficient extraction of the coal seam.


