
    Status Analysis and Countermeasures Research on Coal Mine Safety Production in Anhui Province

    • 摘要: 近年来煤炭行业形势极其严峻,特别是安徽省煤炭资源因开采技术条件复杂和灾害严重,安全治理费用高,安全生产压力大。因此,新形势下如何实现科学、安全、高效开采是当前面临的迫切难题。通过对安徽省51座生产煤矿开采技术条件和生产现状充分的调研,指出生产系统复杂、瓦斯灾害、水害和顶板灾害是威胁安徽省煤矿安全的主要因素,据此提出对生产系统复杂的煤矿大力推进“一优三减”工作、对开采效益差且安全无保障的区域(煤层)设立“禁采区”和“暂缓开采区”、对开采效益差且安全无保障的矿井采取关闭或暂停开采等新思路,并建议积极调整产业结构和加强对重大灾害的科技攻关,为有效确保安徽省煤矿安全生产提供基础技术保障。


      Abstract: The coal industry situation is extremely grim in recent years, the coal resources in Anhui province are under the conditions of high cost of safety management and high pressure of safety production due to the complex mining and serious disasters. Therefore, under the new situations, how to achieve scientific, safe and efficient exploitation is an urgent problem. Based on the investigation of the technical conditions and production status in 51 coal mines, complex production system, gas disaster, water disaster and roof disaster are the main threat factors of coal mine safety in Anhui province, so we promote the work of “one fine and three reduction” in complex coal mines, set up “non-mining area” and “postponed mining area” in the areas or seams with poor efficiency and unasfe conditions, close or suspend the mining in coal mines with poor efficiency and unsafe conditions. In addition, we need to actively adjust the industrial structure and strengthen research on major disasters to provide basic technical support for ensuring the safe production in coal mine.


