
    Energy Utilization Analysis of Underground Coal Fire

    • 摘要: 地下煤火是一种严重的地质灾害,同时也蕴藏着巨大的热能。开展热能回收利用的研究和实践工作,对于饱受地下煤火危害的地区而言具有重要意义。介绍了地下煤火的形成机理,回顾了地下煤火热能回收领域的研究现状,对相关技术进行了详细的介绍和分析,其中利用热能温差发电技术是应用前景较好的一种技术路线。


      Abstract: Underground coal fire is a kind of serious geological disaster, but it has enormous amounts of thermal energy also. The recovery of thermal energy would be significant for the areas which are affected by underground coal fire. The formation mechanism of underground coal fire was introduced, and the research status in the field of underground coal fire heat energy recovery was reviewed. Thermoelectric power generation is one of the most perspective technologies for heat energy recovery.


