
    The Application of Cable Anchor Support Technology in Soft Thick Mudstone Roadway

    • 摘要: 软岩巷道的维护问题一直困扰着地下岩土工程界,已经成为阻碍煤矿安全生产的一个重要因素。为了进一步认清软岩巷道的控制机理及提出合理的控制思路,以某矿典型的软岩巷道为研究对象,在分析巷道围岩变形特征和现场观测围岩内部破裂规律的基础上,提出采用高强度锚网索组合控制巷道的思路,经过现场工业性试验,该方案可以有效地控制围岩的变形和内部裂隙发育,实现该类巷道围岩的稳定。


      Abstract: The maintenance of soft-rock roadway always troubles the underground geotechnical engineering,and it becomes an important factors of blocking the safety-mining.To further knowing the control mechanism and putting forward control idea of soft roadway,experimental study has been done within a typical soft-rock roadway in a coal mine based on analyzing roadway surrounding rock deformation features and rupturing crack laws of inter surrounding rock by field observation.The control idea of this roadway with high strength cable anchor has been put forward.Though industrial test,the surrounding rock deformation and the development law of inter crack can be effectively controlled by this support technology.The stability of such roadway surrounding rock can be achieved.


