
    Design for Underground Wireless Gas Sensor Node Based on ZigBee Technology

    • 摘要: 结合先进的无线通信技术ZigBee,同时采用先进的矿用瓦斯传感器,研究了一种新型无线瓦斯传感器,该无线瓦斯传感器能够将煤矿井下瓦斯浓度信号进行实时监测。论述了传感器节点的整体设计和硬件模块,介绍了软件设计,并且在实时嵌入式操作系统μC/OS-II中编写采集和处理应用程序,实现了预期的效果。


      Abstract: Adopting ZigBee wireless communication technology and current coal mine sensors, a portable wireless sensor is designed. The sensor can monitor the gas density signals in coal mines. The whole design and hardware module of sensor node are discussed, and the software design is introduced. Application program is written and processed in embedded operating system μC/OS-II real-time, which achieves the desired experiment result.


