
    Combined Monitoring and Alarming Technology of Surrounding Rock Pressure in Hard Roof Working Face

    • 摘要: 针对坚硬顶板和高应力的开采条件,提出了冲击地压远近场联合监测预警技术,采用ARAMISM/E微震监测系统进行远场监测,对工作面开采过程中微震事件的时空演化规律进行了分析,确定冲击地压预警指标值,建立联合指标对冲击地压进行预报。采用电磁辐射和煤体应力进行近场监测,确定工作面和两回采巷道电磁辐射强度预报值,结合煤体应力等值线的变化,对冲击危险性进行评价。应用实例表明采用冲击地压远近场联合监测预警技术后,成功预测了数次冲击地压,取得了较好的预测效果。


      Abstract: Aiming at the problem of hard roof and high stress mining conditions, a combined monitoring and early warning technology of near and far field is proposed. The time-space evolution laws of microseismic events during the mining of coal mining face are analyzed by using the ARAMISM/E microseismic monitoring system. The values of rock burst warning indexes are determined respectively, and the combined index is used to forecast the rock burst. The electromagnetic radiation intensity and the prediction value of electromagnetic radiation intensity of working face and the two mining roadways were determined respectively. The stress risk contours of coal body were analyzed and the impact risk was evaluated. The application examples show that the combined monitoring and early warning technology of the near and far field of the rockburst is used to predict the rockbursts several times, and the better prediction effect is achieved.


