
    Risk Assessment of Coal and Gas Outburst in Main Coal Seams of Yongsheng Coal Mine South Shaft

    • 摘要: 选用永盛煤矿南井主采2#和9#煤层作为研究对象,根据该煤层最大瓦斯压力和煤样瓦斯基本参数测试结果,评估其突出危险性。测试结果表明:永盛煤矿南井2#9#煤层突出危险性单项指标和综合指标均超过了《防治煤与瓦斯突出规定》规定的临界值;该井田范围内无明显直达地面的断裂构造,瓦斯难以从构造带释放;煤层埋藏较深且上覆岩层大多为透气性差的岩层,瓦斯保存条件较好。分析确定永盛煤矿南井2#、9#煤层为具有煤与瓦斯突出危险性煤层。


      Abstract: Selecting the main mining 2# and 9# coal seams in Yongsheng coal mine south shaft as a research object,based on the maximum gas pressure of the coal seam and the test results of coal sample gas parameters,its outburst risk is assessed.The test results showed that the single indicator and composite indicator of outburst risk in 2# and 9# coal seams of Yongsheng coal mine south shaft exceeded the critical value regulated in coal and gas outburst prevention provisions.There is no obvious fault structure through the ground in filed areas;gas is difficult to release from the fault structure.Gas occurrence conditions are good with deep buried coal and poor permeability rock in overlying rock.The analysis determined that the 2#,9# coal seams in Yongsheng coal mine south shaft were the coal and gas outburst coal seam.


