
    A Mixing Temporary Re-equipment Construction Technology for Vertical Shaft in Yuanzigou Coalmine

    • 摘要: 针对园子沟煤矿立井落底后二期工程建设提升量较大的实际需求,综合分析煤层埋深、井巷工程建设、现有技术装备和施工进度等条件提出大型矿井风井混合改绞施工技术,采用了双罐笼和双箕斗的混合提升方式,临时改绞期间与其配套的各系统同步形成。实际应用效果表明:该技术缩短了施工工期、保证矿井按期投产,为园子沟煤矿创造了显著的经济效益。经试运行1个月,整个系统安全可靠,收到了预期效果。


      Abstract: In response to the actual demand that lifting capacity is larger during the second phase construction of Yuanzigou Coal Mine after the air shaft is exactly grounded. We propose a large mine mixing temporary reequipping technology after comprehensive analysis of the depth of coal seam, shaft and tunnel engineering construction, existing technology and equipment and construction schedule. Using the double cafe and the double skip mixed lifting way, various systems formed simultaneously during the vertical mixing temporary re-equipping period. The actual application shows that this technology can shorten the construction period, ensure the mine production schedule, create significant economic benefits for Yuanzigou Coal Mine. After one month trial operation, the entire system is safe and reliable and receives the expected results.


