
    Application of Mine Comprehensive Geophysical Detection Methods on Water Bearing Abnormal Bodies

    • 摘要: 为实现对煤矿含水异常体的井下精细化探测,基于煤矿含水异常体类型划分及特点分析,研究了矿井物探方法特点及适用条件,并结合综合物探应用案例进行了分析。结果表明:煤矿含水异常体可分为突水水源和导水通道2大类;煤矿含水异常体精细综合物探应采用2种或2种以上的物探方法,做到地震类方法与电磁类方法相配合、同类物探方法相补充;矿井物探方法主要分为矿井电磁类方法和矿井地震类方法,矿井综合物探勘查可以按掘进头超前探测、工作面内部探测、顶底板探测进行分类,应根据含水异常体类型和特点选择适合的矿井综合物探方法;案例表明了综合物探具有良好的应用效果。


      Abstract: In order to realize fine comprehensive geophysical prospecting on water bearing abnormal bodies, based on the types classification and character analysis of water bearing abnormal bodies, the mine geophysical prospecting method and applicable conditions were studied, and the comprehensive geophysical prospecting cases were analyzed. The results showed that the coalmine water bearing abnormal bodies can be divided into water bursting sources and water conducting channels. In order to achieve accurate comprehensive geophysical prospecting, two or more mine comprehensive geophysical prospecting methods should be adopted. The mine geophysical prospecting methods include electromagnetic method and seismic method while the mine comprehensive geophysical prospecting can be applied in advanced detection of heading end, inner working face, roof and floor. The optimization of mine comprehensive geophysical detection methods should be adopted according to the character and types of water bearing abnormal bodies. And the case indicated the good effect of comprehensive geophysical detection methods on water bearing abnormal bodies.


