
    Research on Separating Technology for Fire Area in the Boundary of Bandingliangta Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 针对板定梁塔煤矿井田边界朱家沟煤矿露天剥离采空区出现高温火区,通过分析矿井地质资料和高温火区实际情况,确定在板定梁塔煤矿井田边界进行地面钻孔,并利用钻孔灌注塑性水玻璃凝胶材料成功地在板定梁塔井田边界构筑了1道火区隔离墙,有效阻止了朱家沟煤矿露天剥离开挖火区向板定梁塔煤矿蔓延。


      Abstract: For the high temperature fire area in Zhujiagou open-pit stripping mined-out area in the boundary of Bandingliangta Coal Mine, through the analysis of actual situation of mine geological data and high temperature fire zone, it is determined that ground drillings are carried out in the boundary of Bandingliangta Coal Mine. Through pouring plastic water glass gel material through drilling hole to construct a separating wall for fire area in the boundary of Bandingliangta Coal Mine, it effectively prevents the fire in Zhujiagou open-pit stripping and digging out zone to spread to Bandingliangta Coal Mine.


