
    Study on Difference of Gas Absorption Between Soft and Hard Coal with Different Grain Sizes

    • 摘要: 为了研究不同粒度软硬煤的吸附性能差异,进行实验室模拟实验,采用高压容量法测定不同粒度软硬煤的吸附量和吸附常数,拟合出吸附等温曲线,分析了软硬煤的吸附性能差异性随粒度的变化规律。结果表明:随着粒度的减小软硬煤吸附常数a值均增大,增大的趋势随着粒度的减小而减小。软煤在<0.1 mm的粒度达到最大吸附量,而硬煤却在0.20~0.25 mm粒度时产生最大吸附量。粒度1~3 mm软煤的吸附等温曲线始终在硬煤之上,当粒度为0.20~0.25 mm和<0.1 mm时硬煤和软煤的吸附等温线有1个交点,硬煤的吸附量反超了软煤。比较软硬煤吸附差值,发现随着粒度的减小,软硬煤吸附量差距减小。


      Abstract: In order to study the difference of gas absorption between soft coal and hard coal with different grain sizes, we use high-pressure volumetric method to measure different particle sizes of soft and hard coal adsorption capacity and adsorption constants and to fit the isothermal adsorption curve. The difference of adsorption performance between soft and hard coal was analyzed through simulation experiments. The study shows that with the decrease of the particle size, the adsorption constant of soft coal and hard coal both increases, the increasing trend decreases with the decrease of the particle size. The soft coal will has the maximum adsorption capacity when the particle size is less than 0.1 mm, but the hard coal produces the maximum adsorption capacity when the particle size is 0.20 mm to 0.25 mm. When the size is 1 mm to 3 mm, the adsorption isotherm curve of soft coal is always above hard coal. But the adsorption isotherms of hard coal and soft coal have a point of intersection, the adsorption amount of hard coal overtakes soft coal when the particle size is 0.20 mm to 0.25 mm and less than 0.1 mm.


