
    Design Points of High Stress Belt Conveyor for Large Inclined Angle Downward

    • 摘要: 介绍了国内目前下运带式输送机的现状,基于具体设计事例,探讨了下运强力带式输送机设计的几个关键因素:托辊槽角、可控软起动、可控软制动装置,并结合物料在输送带上的受力数学模型,研究了输送机倾角与托辊槽角之间的关系。


      Abstract: The paper introduces the present status of domestic downward belt conveyor.Based on the specific design examples,the paper discusses several key factors of the downward high stress belt conveyor design,including roller groove angel,controllable soft start,controllable soft brake devices.Combined force mathematical model of materials on the conveyor belt,the paper studies the relationship between the conveyor inclination and roller groove inclination.


