
    Rock Control Technology of Soft Rock Chamber with Deep High Stress

    • 摘要: 裴沟煤矿42采区泵房围岩岩性差,服务年限长,埋藏深应力大且受断层影响,残余构造应力也大。通过分析原U型钢棚支护,巷道掘出后不久即严重变形的原因,提出了通过围岩注浆,顶帮部棚索协同支护增加结构稳定性,提高其承载能力,底板锚网索支护控制底鼓。通过方案实施后的现场实测,该方案有效控制了围岩变形。


      Abstract: The pumping stations in Peigou 42 mining area,with poor surrounding rock,long years of service,deep buried and big stress,is influenced by fault and has big residual tectonic stress.The paper analyzed the U-shaped steel roof support and the severe deformation reason after the roadway dug up shortly.Through the surrounding rock grouting,and the shelf cable collaborative support in roof and sides parts to increase the structural stability,its carrying capacity was enhanced,and heaving floor was controlled by anchors and cables support in floor.Field measurements after the implementation of the program showed that the program had effectively controlled the surrounding rock deformation.


