
    Surrounding Rock Control Technique in Deep Mine and High Stress Compound Roof

    • 摘要: 深井高应力复合顶板条件下的煤巷施工,给支护工作带来很多困难,如不采用先进合理的支护技术方案,将可能产生很大的安全隐患。对支护方式选择、巷道围岩控制原理、巷道围岩控制技术、支护参数设计及实际应用等方面进行分析和研究,并对如何确保深井高应力复合顶板条件下巷道支护质量及安全问题进行了阐述。现场实践证明,锚网索联合支护方式具有良好的技术经济效果。


      Abstract: The coal roadway construction brings a lot of difficulties to support work under the condition of high stress and compound roof in deep mine,if does not take advanced and reasonable supporting technology program,a huge safety risk will be likely generated.This paper makes analysis and research on support mode selection,surrounding rock control principle,surrounding rock control technology,supporting parameters design and practical application,etc,and describes how to ensure the support quality and safety problem under the condition of high stress and compound roof.Field practice has proved that anchor mesh combination support has good technical and economic results.


