
    Study on Strengthening Control Technology in High Ground Pressure and Soft Rock Roadway

    • 摘要: 结合祁南煤矿6#煤组上山的工程实例,提出治理高地压软岩巷道大变形的强化控制原理路线:强化锚杆承载性能、强化围岩体强度和弱化区补强支护,运用FLAC2D5.0数值模拟软件,并结合现场工业性试验,对高地压软岩巷道进行了支护设计,现场监测结果表明,巷道支护状况良好,成功解决了6#煤组上山高地压软岩巷道的大变形失稳问题。


      Abstract: Combined with the engineering example of 6# coal group rise entry in Qinan coal mine,this paper puts forward the strengthening controlling principle route for controlling large deformation in high ground pressure and soft rock roadway.That is strengthening the bearing properties of bolt,strengthening the surrounding rock strength and weakening area reinforcement support by using FLAC2D5.0 numerical simulation software.Combining with the industrial test,the support in high ground pressure and soft rock roadway is designed.Field monitoring results show that the roadway support is in good condition,which successfully resolves the deformation and instability problems in high ground pressure and soft rock roadway of 6# coal group rise entry.


