Floor Damage Degree and Floor Water Control Technology in Coal Seam Mining of Xin'an Coal Mine
摘要: 根据新安矿底板3#煤层含水层分布情况,研究煤层开采过程中对底板的破坏程度,通过钻孔注水实测和数值模拟相结合的研究方法,确定底板破坏"下三带"分布规律,依据底板"下三带"理论判断工作面底板突水危险程度,得出新安矿底板岩层中完整岩层带偏小,底板破坏深度在18~20 m,突水危险性高。针对地质条件和底板"下三带"破坏情况提出了该煤层开采时底板突水隐患的防治方案。Abstract: According to the aquifer distribution of No.3 coal seam in the floor of Xin’an mine,the paper studies the damage degree of floor during the coal seam mining process.The distribution law of "down three zones" of floor damage is determined though actual measurement of pouring water into boreholes and numerical simulation.The risk level of floor water bursting in working face is judged based on "down three zone" of floor.It is obtained that the complete rock zone of floor is small and the damage depth is 18~20 m with high floor water bursting risk.According to geological conditions and the damage situations of "down three zones" of floor,the paper puts forward prevention and treatment programs.