
    Application of 3D Visualization of FLAC3D Model Plastic Zone in Crack Evolution of Goaf Surrounding Rock

    • 摘要: 针对FLAC3D利用切片表达塑性区范围及分布表达不够直观全面的问题,提出一种新的方法,该方法利用FLAC3D内置fish语言遍历模型单元体,自动判别塑性区、非塑性区以及采空区范围,然后对单元体进行分组,最终实现获得目标塑性图的目的。通过具体实例检验方法的有效性和可行性,结果表明:新方法可以较形象的给出了采空区围岩塑性区分布,同时避免了通过多个切片不能全面的表达塑性区分布的弊端。


      Abstract: For the problem that the range and distribution of plastic zone expressed by FLAC3D slicing is usually not intuitive or comprehensive enough, a new method is proposed. This method traverses the model unit, distinguishes the scope of plastic zone, un-plastic and goaf zone automatically, groups units and then gets plastic figure. We verify the validity and feasibility through a specific example. The result shows that the new method can not only display plastic zone in a vivid way, but also avoid the limitation of using multi-plane to give out the plastic zone of goaf surrounding rock.


