
    Study on Critical Layer Movement Laws of Large Mining Height Fully Mechanized Working Face in Shendong Mining Area

    • 摘要: 大采高和特大采高综采工作面由于其特殊性,顶板结构运动形式与中等采高工作面相比存在较大不同。大采高综采工作面受采动影响后,通过对其上覆岩层关键层的运移规律进行研究得出:对于大采高或者特大采高情况下,覆岩关键层通常会以“悬臂梁”结构破断的形式存在,有时也会形成稳定的铰接结构,而上位关键层则一般可形成“砌体梁”结构;当上部关键层发生破断时,其下部关键层也将受到上部关键层破断的影响,工作面压力显现情况和周期来压步距不直接受上部关键层的破断影响而是由下部关键层是否发生破断而决定。


      Abstract: Due to the particularity, fully mechanized coal face with large mining height or extra large mining height, the roof structure movement form is different compared with secondary mining height working face. After the mining influence, through the study of movement laws of overlying critical layer, the results show that overlying critical layer is usually in the form of “cantilever beam” breakage structure under the condition of large mining height or extra large mining height, also forms stable hinged structure sometimes; the upper critical layer usually can form “masonry beam” structure; when the upper key strata occurs fracture, the lower key layer will also be affected by the fracture of upper key layer; strata behavior and periodic weighting interval of working face does not directly affected by the breakage of upper key strata but by whether the key layer is breakage or not.


