
    Evaluation Method Applying to Miner Thermal Comfort

    • 摘要: 通过建立人体热平衡的数学模型,分析了影响井下矿工热舒适性的相关因素,认为皮肤平均温度是控制人体与环境热交换的决定因素。以东滩煤矿工作面内3位有代表性的矿工为例,计算矿工在不同位置处的PMVPPD值,利用其对应的热感觉评价矿工的热舒适性。


      Abstract: By establishing the mathematical model of body thermal equilibrium,the paper analyzed the relevant factors which affect miner thermal comfort.It is thought that the skin average temperature is determinant to control the heat exchange between body and environment.Taking three representative miners in Dongtan coal mine working face for example,the PMV and PPD values are calculated when the miners are in different positions.Miner thermal comfort is evaluated by the corresponding thermal sensation.


