Study on Deflagration Control Methods of Low Concentration Gas Extraction in Tube
摘要: 水雾、CO2惰性气体和干粉对瓦斯爆燃有很强的抑制作用。随着喷雾量的增大,混入CO2浓度或者喷入干粉质量的增大,火焰传播速度和峰值超压都减少。水雾,惰性气体CO2以及干粉对爆燃的抑制作用在于由于水雾、惰性气体CO2以及干粉的加入,降低了链式反应中H、O和OH等高活性自由基的浓度。Abstract: Water-mist,CO2 inert gas and dry powder are very effective on suppressing gas deflagration.With the increase of spray water-mist volume,the mixed CO2 concentration or sprayed dry powder quality are increased and flame propagation speed and peak overpressure are reduced.The inbibitional effect of water-mist,CO2 inert gas and dry powder on deflagration is that the injection of water-mist,CO2 inert gas and dry powder can greatly decrease the concentrations of H,O and OH in chain reaction.