
    Application of Slope Radar Technology in Surface Coal Mine Landslide Forecast

    • 摘要: 为了最大限度地减少露天矿滑坡引起的灾害事故,并在存在边坡稳定性隐患的区段实现生产效率的最大化,很多大型露天矿已采用边坡雷达技术进行滑坡预测预报。在现场实践基础上,介绍了边坡雷达技术在预测预报滑坡的位置、时间和滑动土体规模3方面的应用。结果表明:该技术是滑坡预测预报方面切实、有效的新方法。


      Abstract: In order to reduce maximally disasters and accidents caused by suface coal mine landslides, and realize maximally production efficiency at segment existing hidden danger of slope stability, a lot of larger surface coal mines have used slope radar technique for forecasting landslides. On the basis of the practice, this paper introduces the application of radar technique in predicting the landslide location, time and sliding soil mass. The result shows that the technology is a new, practical and effective method in landslide forecast aspect.


