
    Analysis of Danger Source Coupling in Coal Mines Based on Association Rules Mining

    • 摘要: 煤矿安全事故具有危险源耦合致因特性。运用关联规则挖掘方法进行危险源耦合作用量化研究,首先将隐患排查类比为“超市购物”,进行建模分析;其次,进行隐患排查“事务”界定和危险源“项集”分析,构建布尔关系表,采用基于提升度拓展的Apriori算法构建危险源关联规则挖掘模型;最后对铁峰煤业隐患排查数据进行实证分析。研究结果表明:采用关联规则挖掘算法能够有效提取隐患数据集中隐含的危险源耦合作用关系,对有效开展隐患排查和安全管理工作有一定作用。


      Abstract: Accidents in coal mines have characteristics of danger sources coupling. The paper applied association rules mining method to study danger source coupling quantitatively. Firstly, the paper looked hidden danger identification as shopping in the supermarket, and carried out modeling analysis, and then the paper carried out "transaction" definition of hidden perils and the analysis of hazards "set", built a Boolean relational table, and established association rules mining model with lift-enhanced Apriori algorithm. Finally, an empirical analysis was carried out for historical hidden danger data in Tiefeng Coal Mine. The results show that the implicit coupling relationship can be effectively extracted by association rules mining method, which provides guidance for safety management of coal mines.


