
    Exploration Method of Coal Mine Collapse Column Based on Transmission Channel Wave

    • 摘要: 煤矿陷落柱是影响矿井工作面回采及安全生产重要因素之一,在对透射槽波探测原理及数据采集模式系统论述的基础上,总结提炼了透射槽波数据处理中的几项关键技术,结合山西天地王坡煤业有限公司3204工作面陷落柱探测成果探采对比研究表明,陷落柱对透射槽波的衰减作用明显,透射槽波CT成像结果能够准确圈定陷落柱位置,透射槽波是探测工作面内部陷落柱的有效手段。


      Abstract: Coal mine collapse column is one of important factors in mining face and safety production. The transmission channel wave detection principle and data acquisition model were expounded in the paper, and several key technologies in data processing were summarized. Combined with the collapse column exploration and contrast research at 3204 working face in Tiandi Wangpo Coal Mine, the result shows that the attenuation effect of collapse column on transmission channel wave is obvious, and transmission channel wave CT imaging results can accurately identify areas of collapse, which is the effective mean to detect collapse column of coalface.


