
    Fire Preventing and Extinguishing Technology for Fully Mechanized Coal Face During Withdrawal Period

    • 摘要: 工作面回撤需要很长的一段时间,易燃煤层在这段时间中容易发生自燃,严重威胁煤矿的正常安全生产,并给煤矿带来极大的经济损失。顺通煤矿5243综采工作面在回撤期间出现CO超限,采空区有自然发火迹象,通过对工作面回撤期间的防灭火技术研究,有效控制了CO的浓度,防止了采空区浮煤的自燃,为工作面的顺利回撤提供了有利的条件。


      Abstract: It takes a long time to withdraw caved face, and combustible coal seam tends to spontaneous combustion during the time, which threatens seriously the normal safety of coal mine production and brings huge economic losses to the coal mine. The situation of CO overrun exists during the withdrawal period and there are signs of spontaneous combustion in goaf of fully mechanized coal face in Shuntong Mine. Through the study of fire preventing and extinguishing technology during the withdrawal of fully mechanized coal face, it effectively controls the concentration of CO and prevents spontaneous combustion of float coal in goaf, and provides favorable conditions for the smooth withdrawal of caved face.


