
    Fire Area Treatment Technology of Overlying Goaf at Working Face

    • 摘要: 针对新疆乌东煤矿+6004301工作面上覆老空区露天火点的特殊条件,通过采用地表黄土回填、灌浆、注凝胶、注液氮等综合防灭火治理技术,该火区得到了有效控制,确保了+6004301工作面安全启封及回采。


      Abstract: For the specific conditions of outdoor fire points at overlying goaf of + 6004301 working face in Xinjiang Wudong Coal Mine, through the comprehensive fire preventing and extinguishing techniques including surface loess backfilling, grouting and gel injection and liquid nitrogen injection, the fire area has been effectively controlled, which ensures the safety unsealing and mining of + 6004301 working face.


