
    Control Pre-splitting Technique of Deep Hole in High Gassy Heading Face

    • 摘要: 为降低高瓦斯掘进工作面掘进期间的突出危险性,增大煤层透气性,余吾煤业公司引进了CO2气相压裂增透消突技术,主要通过在工作面施工的压裂钻孔进行爆破增透。在原先单孔预裂的基础上,通过施工控制孔进行了控制预裂试验。试验证明,控制预裂对煤层的防突指标、瓦斯涌出均匀性及钻孔瓦斯抽采量都产生了良好的效果。


      Abstract: To reduce the risk of outburst for high gas excavation face in period of mining and increase the permeability of the coal seam, an outburst prevention technique by CO2 is introduced in Yuwu Coal Company. This technique is carried mainly by the hole located in the working face. On the basis of the original single-hole pre-splitting, controlled pre-splitting in deep hole technique was tested by constructing controlled holes. The experiment proves that the indexes of seam outburst prevention, the uniformity of gas emission and the amount of gas drainage are changed obviously.


