
    Response Characteristics of Coal Adsorbing CH4 Capability Under Variation of Temperature and Pressure

    • 摘要: 为了研究煤吸附甲烷能力对温度压力变化的响应特性,选用平顶山己15-17煤层煤样,进行了-20、-10、0、10、20 ℃条件下高压等温吸附试验,并运用MATLAB软件对试验数据进行了分析。结果表明:特定温度下煤对甲烷的吸附量随着压力的增大而增大,当压力增大到某一特定值,吸附量趋于稳定;如果压力从0 MPa逐渐上升到8 MPa,同时温度从-20 ℃逐渐上升到20 ℃的过程中,在压力上升至6.3 MPa之前,压力对吸附量的影响起主导作用。当压力大于6.3 MPa时,温度对吸附量的影响起主导作用;在温度与压力综合影响吸附量的同时,压力制约温度对吸附量的影响效果,温度制约压力对吸附量的影响效果。


      Abstract: In order to study the response characteristics of adsorption capability of coal/CH4 at variation of temperature and pressure, the isotherm tests were done at different temperatures (-20, -10, 0, 10,20 ℃), using the samples from VI15-17 coal bed in Pingdingshan Mine, we processed the experimental data by MATLAB. Results showed that methane adsorption capacity in coal is decreased with the increasing of pressure under specific temperature and tends to be stabilized when the pressure rises to specific point. Before the pressure increases to 6.3 MPa, pressure has effect on adsorption capacity primarily if pressure rises to 8 MPa from 0 MPa and temperature increases to 20 ℃ from -20 ℃. Temperature has influence on adsorption capacity observably when the pressure is higher than 6.3 MPa. During the adsorption capacity is influenced synthetically by temperature and pressure, pressure restricts the influence of temperature on adsorption capacity and temperature also restricts the influence of pressure on adsorption capacity.


